Software maintenance is framed by fundamental Agile concepts: working from a backlog of prioritized tickets or engineering change orders, and delivering incremental releases of working software. 软件维护被基本的敏捷概念所包裹:从优先考虑的候选库中开始工作,或者改变次序,并且交付工作软件的增量发布。
The giant aerospace concern has racked up record sales and has a huge backlog of orders. 这一规模庞大的航空公司不但在销售方面创下记录,并积压了大量订单。
The strong results in2008 were due to an accumulated backlog of orders. 2008年的强劲业绩是因为前期积压的订单。
At kV electronics factory on the outskirts of Bangkok, young women struggle to fill a backlog of orders, making components for industrial machinery. 在kv电子(kvelectronics)位于曼谷郊区的工厂里,年轻的女工们卖力地生产着工业设备零部件,以应付未交付的定单。
E.g.we are now faced with a sizeable backlog of orders. 目前我们面临的积压定单数量巨大。
The Backlog of Orders, Prices, Customers'Inventories, Imports and New Export Orders Indexes do not meet the accepted criteria for seasonal adjustments. 积压的订单,价格,客户库存,进口和新的出口订单指数不符合季节性调整的公认标准。
A backlog of orders because of the strike 因罢工而积压的定单
US data show the backlog of manufacturing orders one catalyst of the phenomenon has picked up rapidly since record lows last December. 美国的数据显示,制造商积压的订单已较去年12月的创纪录低点迅速增加。而订单积压是牛鞭现象的一个催化剂。